Take A Look Through My Eyes - Performance Project

In my performance piece, I decided to do something very outside of the box. I used the power of film on taking a look through my own eyes. I see the male dominance in my major and how it affects women like myself. The inequality in the film industry has been prevalent ever since the industry first started. As the years go on, the industry tends to accept more women into the field. Although it does accept more women as time goes on, we should not settle for less. By saying this, it does not mean women overpower men but have an equal balance of both. I love to see my very few peers like my classmate Meghan thrive. I added my own voice over for the importance of having a voice and showing that this message is coming from myself. I used the non copyrighted audio to have a dramatic mature appeal. I started and ended off with my eyes for the use of showing what I see in between those clips. My inspiration for this has to be the foreign woman (I am not sure of ethnicity) that professor Dorsey showed me one day after class. This had a split screen of a man and a woman. The man had a huge crowd cheering him on as he sang. Once the woman began to sang, there was strictly silence. Her voice was beautiful. This was a powerful message for that culture that showed that woman can have a voice as well (literally in this case). I loved the message behind this film and wanted to create something similar to it.


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